HEN INSTITUTE is a mobile chicken coop that acts as a public artwork, a classroom, and a community space. It uses hens as a mechanism to engage with ideas of...
Sustenance, Protection, Feminism, Mobility, Nesting, Community, Sustainability, Home, Rural, Birth, Courage, Motherhood, Flightlessness, Nutrition, Generosity
...through art, food, education, and community.

Where IS THE Hen Institute NOW?
Tully, NY

How to get involved
Become a chicken steward
Chicken stewards choose days out of the month to take care of the chickens and to keep the eggs that they produce.
Coming Soon!
Come to a public program
Throughout the duration of the project, there will be an assortment of creative, educational, and community events.
Host a Public Program
Raleigh residents are encourage to apply to do a performance, exhibit their work, give a lecture or workshop, or host a community event on site at Hen Institute.